Mergers & Acquisitions
Providing detailed market knowledge and advice on buying and selling consultancies.
Madsen Advisory helps stakeholders realise equity value.
Consultancies in the marketing communications sectors, despite their different disciplines, are all beset with the same business concerns as to how they both capture a larger share of their clients marketing budgets and how they can grow into becoming a bigger business and therefore platform so as to be able to pitch for the larger client budgets.
Getting onto a larger platform can be achieved through strong and consistent organic growth in good economic times but also can be achieved by merging in smaller specialist businesses which are complimentary to the existing business and where cross selling can maximise the existing client relationships and therefore the returns from each client’s marketing budget. In addition providing a greater platform to enable the agency to get on the larger client pitch lists. The perception by the larger clients for the need of critical mass is still very relevant in their pitch list selection.
Alternatively consultancies looking to take the next step often recognise that their future growth and personal ambitions will be better served by placing their consultancy within a larger consultancy business and either selling or merging for equity or cash and equity.
Mergers and acquisitions are all about confidence. Confidence that you are doing it for the right reasons, at the right time and with the right advisor.
Madsen Advisory works with the principal to find a suitable solution to achieving the next stage for them and their staff.